The dynamic impact of transitioning to the Cloud for the Security services' sector

In the world of security, data are the "new gold", and their transformation into "information" makes them valuable. These data are the cornerstone for understanding threats, preventing risks, making informed decisions and providing evidence of a crime.

On the other hand, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), which certainly includes sensors but also cameras, microphones, drones of all kinds, but also apps in the hands of billions of people, has increased the volume and variety of available data, creating two opposite aspects:

On the one side, an unprecedented opportunity to enhance security. Both for properties and for human lives, through making timely and valid decisions.

On the other side, there are various risks, such as the violation of the personal privacy of the person, but also the intrusion into assets through these IoT devices, if the appropriate measures are not taken.

Simply collecting data is not enough. To realize the full potential of the IoT, we need a strategy for processing, analyzing and visualizing this data in a meaningful and usable way. We can call this "perception". That is, the ability that a security company can have to accurately achieve its work and protect its customers.

Usually two departments perform such a purpose and these are the Security Operations Centers (SOC) or the Internal Quality Control (IQA). Both need a lot of data, as soon as possible and of course perceptual ability to combine them.

Analyzing the factors of the question, "is it necessary for a SOCto move to the cloud?", we describe the sequence below.

The challenge:

  • Lots of data: Collecting and storing data from IoT devices can be expensive, creating connectivity and cost issues.

  • Data quality: Data from IoT devices can be incomplete, requiring sophisticated techniques to extract reliable information or even combining two or more IoT systems. For example, if the smoke sensor is activated, a temperature sensor and possibly a camera in the area cross-check the fact whether it is a fire or technical failure.

  • Visualization: Converting complex data into understandable formats, such as graphs and charts, are essential for making immediate decisions. Many times, the automation of the decision is sought so that an instruction is executed without human authorization. For example, in case of flooding in the building, the central water supply should be interrupted.

The solution:

By investing in data analytics solutions, real-time or even with budget prevention models, SOCs can overcome these challenges and turn data into valuable insights and insight into meaningful customer assistance.

The benefits:

  • Improved threat detection: IoT data analysis can reveal suspicious behavior and anomalies in real-time, enabling early detection.

  • Proactive action: Monitoring the status of IoT systems can identify potential problems before they cause events or failures, saving time and money.

  • Improved decision-making: IoT data can provide valuable information for assessing risks, prioritizing resources and making informed decisions to enhance management's work.


Every day, new threat methods compromise security. In this environment, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a necessary tool to address these challenges.

While full automation through AI may seem far off, the value of integrating it into security is already undeniable. By combining AI with Cloud and IoT, we create a powerful trio that enhances security.

The Power of the Cloud:

The Cloud initially offers a secure infrastructure where the central systems of a SOC are housed. To this day, many SOCs use central systems within their buildings, without having adequately assessed the risk they run and because of the easy physical access to the space of the central systems, but mainly because their network infrastructures are lagging behind in cyber attack systems compared to a cloud provider.

Supporting the creation of AI algorithms and models is a costly investment to happen on-premises, whereas in the cloud now, robust infrastructure, well-trained AI models and very low usage costs are provided.

With the Cloud, the skills and automation in a SOC's decisions can be easily adapted to customer needs, consuming only the energy needed at any given time and always having infrastructure available for additional instantaneous demands should a major event arise. In the Cloud you can really get the required system power and flexibility of use.

 At RIFORM SA, through our ability to develop software that accurately captures data, the cloud allows us to fully magnify the skills of a SOC.

We know the value of data and the impact it has every second. That's why we make sure management has access to all the necessary tools to assess the consequences of decisions made in the Security Management Center, whether they're right or wrong. 

The goal is to create a perfectly connected chain of information, with a clear chronological order. If a link is missing, our technology can provide clear answers as to "why".

We have chosen AWS as our Cloud partner, because we found that it covers all the needs of a SOC in terms of infrastructure, security, technology, and certifications.

Going beyond the limits of a simple cloud platform, AWS is evolving into a cutting-edge technology capable of meeting the most complex security requirements, with over 100 services, of which 40 are security-focused. Additionally, it leverages IoT methodologies, backups, video surveillance, analytics, real-time streaming, caching, and database fusion.

AWS is an ecosystem in 33 regions worldwide and growing. In addition, it has 105 data centers. Its global reach and state-of-the-art infrastructure ensure uninterrupted operation in a SOC.

REFORM SA, with 23 years of experience in IT services, 16 years in security programming and 7 years in AWS, brings cutting-edge solutions to the fore, leveraging AWS Cloud, IoT and Artificial Intelligence with REALVIEW@AWS solutions for SOCs.

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The article is also published at the "Security Manager Press" website and magazine:

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